Researchers tell us if you spend a lot of 텐알바 time working night shifts, you are messing with your natural circadian rhythms, and putting yourself at higher risk of heart disease, diabetes, and myriad other health problems. Research seems to also conclude that the longer we commit to a night-shifting schedule (and rotating shifts including both the daytime and the nighttime), the higher our risk is for being diagnosed with conditions that could reduce our lifespan. It appears the longer one works the rotating shift schedule, the increased risk of having a stroke, but this cannot be concluded with full-time evening workers.
In fact, nurses working a rotating night shift schedule for over 15 years had a 38% higher risk of dying of heart disease compared to nurses working a single day.
Studies of nurses and other workers who worked nights showed an increased risk of breast cancer, which was not explained by reproductive history, lifestyle factors, body mass index, or socioeconomic status. Another report in 2004 found workers in various professions working 12 hour nights were more likely to be physically exhausted, to smoke, and to misuse alcohol compared with day-shift colleagues. More importantly, an examination in the Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health, which analysed a number of injuries sustained during varying shifts from 1996-2006, found that people working nights appeared to have an increased risk of injuries.
In fact, night workers are at higher risk for multiple diseases, such as heart disease, digestive problems, obesity, metabolic problems, and sleeping problems, in some cases. Not all people working the night shift, of course, develop these health problems, but it is important for workers to be aware of the risks, and why it is so critical for them to take steps to safeguard their mental and physical health. It is important to remember, however, that heart problems can affect even those working the day shift and those working a 9-5 job, if they are living unhealthy lifestyles.
This kind of job can have negative effects on the relationships, families, and other aspects of the nightshift workers lives, all of which may lead to chronic stress, which can, in turn, ultimately result in depression or another mood disorder. It is also been studied that working night shifts increases the risk for developing deteriorating mood disorders in vulnerable individuals. Studies have shown that twilight workers can have up to 33% higher odds of developing depression compared with people who have regular, afternoon schedules.
Nightshifts really increase your risk for depression, but this research is not yet robust enough to support an overall medical recommendation against shifts for employees who suffer from depressive conditions. The link between shift work and sleep, as well as sleep and health outcomes, is relatively well established, however, there is speculation about whether there is a direct link between shift work and adverse health outcomes. It is important to note that shift work affects sleep in both the amount of time workers are able to sleep, as well as in the quality of sleep workers are able to achieve (typically through their ability to fall asleep and remain asleep).
Regular late-night shift jobs may also result in chronic sleep deprivation, where an individual is never able to catch up on needed sleep, according to the National Sleep Foundation (NSF).
If you are working a graveyard shift, you are at higher risk of developing sleep disorders. One key problem is that working nights involves having to battle against your natural body clock, which tells us that we need to sleep when the sun is out. Researchers think working odd hours, such as working nights, can disturb your natural body clock, which is based on natural daylight-night cycles.
Some companies run 24 hours shifts, which means employees must work at midnight at times. Employees who are responsible for working these irregular shifts for extended periods can experience various health problems. Compounding the unique mix of difficulties is the fact that working a shift is more than twice as likely to be part-time, meaning people working nights are often trying to fit in with school schedules, other jobs, or family arrangements.
The truth is, the vast majority of shift workers earn lower wages, on average, than their daytime counterparts, with only about 7% of shift workers citing better pay as the primary reason they work odd hours.
Although data from later studies has been mixed, there is enough research out there to suggest there is a potential link between breast cancer and working nights, which is dose-dependent, meaning that the longer someone works night shifts, the greater her risk. A study published in January by the American Association for Cancer Research, which reviewed more than 60 studies, concluded that the risk of developing breast cancer in women increases about 3.3% for each five years that they worked nights. The study did not examine why risk is greater among those working the nights shift, but researchers speculated the changes in sleeping habits may impact blood pressure and circulation.
In one larger study, which followed over 3,000 police officers working the night shift across Canada and the United States, the consequences for those who cannot adapt were stark: 40% were diagnosed with some type of sleeping disorder. Those who regularly worked an 8pm-4am shift, as well as having an average of less than six hours sleep, were four times as likely as other officers to be affected by metabolic syndrome.
Sleep rebuilds and repairs the body in a variety of ways, and data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) suggests anything less than the recommended seven hours of sleep per night is associated with an array of health risks – including heart disease, cancer, stroke, and depression. In addition to cancer, working nights has been linked to type-2 diabetes, heart disease, stroke, metabolic disorders, and sleep disorders.
Michael Granner, PhD, director of the University of Arizonas Sleep and Health Research Project, says that shift workers may experience a number of sleep disorders, ranging from insomnia to circadian sleep-wake disorders. There is probably a dose-dependent association between shift work and a number of negative health outcomes; the longer a responder is on a shift, the higher the risk that they will have negative health outcomes.